Favorite syncs part 1

Let’s talk favorite syncs in movies today…

Besides this being my favorite. movie. ever. Almost Famous also contains one of the best syncs ever with the inclusion of Elton John’s Tiny Dancer on the tour bus the morning after Russell quits the band, crashes a midwestern house party, trips on acid and is inevitably picked up by the band the next morning. It was the perfect song and the perfect moment to bring the band and the band aids back together after a near break up. Now sing along with me… hold me closer Tony Danza…

Almost Famous
Music Supervisor: Danny Bramson


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The Why’s

recordplayer-polaSo, why did I start this blog?

I’ll attempt to condense the why’s down from a multi year quest to just a few paragraphs… Over 3 years ago I moved here to LA with the hopes of being in the music industry. I graduated college with a music business degree, spent a semester living in an artist colony in Martha’s Vineyard and knew I was meant to be apart of music in some way, shape or form. During this time I became deeply enamored with the use of music in film and TV by watching such shows as The OC, Felicity, Sex and the City, and countless others. Finding this love only confirmed my desire to pursue music as my career after graduation. But of course graduating college means being confronted with the payment of the college loans it took to realize this calling, so I moved home to Arizona for what would end up being a 2 year stint before I was finally able to move to LA. During this time I fanned the flame of my love for music in film and television by watching countless hours of shows like Grey’s Anatomy and films like Almost Famous on a near constant repeat. I loved the way in which a song could be used to heighten the emotion of the scene and in some cases set the tone completely. One song can completely make or break a scene to me and I was fascinated with the choices Music Supervisors were making and wanted to be apart of it.

televisionslidetv2-2-polaThose 2 years ticked by as I saved money, listened to music and spent days making mixes for friends and myself based on current events in their lives or ideas I imposed on myself. The obligatory rainy day, party time, so mad I could spit, mixes? Check, check and mother ‘effin check! But what about the song you choose when a friend’s heart is aching because a family member passed? What’s on the track listing of a “this is the worst year of my life” mix? Or what songs do you choose when you’ve been asked to pick the music for your own grandfather’s funeral?

film-reel-polaAs trivial as they may seem, I took to each one with gusto and reverence because I knew as small as they were to an outsider, they were important to me and to the audience I intended them for. And I knew, while sitting there in the room I grew up in and that little desk, wishing like hell I lived in a “major music city” that someday I would. Someday I would find music that was meant for TV and film. Someday, someone out there would want ME to choose music for their project. And mostly, I knew that someday I would realize that dream.

Welcome to that journey.